

A. Galichon, E. Ciscato and M. Goussé, “Like Attract Like: A Structural Comparison of Homogamy Across Same-Sex and Different-Sex Households”, Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming.

A. Galichon, S. Kominers and S. Weber, “Costly Concessions: An Empirical Framework for Matching with Imperfectly Transferable Utility”, Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming

A. Galichon, P. Chiappori and B. Salanié, “On Human Capital and Team Stability”, Journal of Human Capital, 2019, 13, 236-259.

E. Manresa, S. Bonhomme and T Lamadon, “A Distributional Framework for Matched Employer Employee Data”, 2019, Econometrica, 87, 699–739.



T. Christensen and X. Chen, Optimal Sup-norm Rates and Uniform Inference on Nonlinear Functionals of Nonparametric IV Regression, Quantitative Economics, 2018, 9, 39-85.

T. Christensen, X. Chen and E. Tamer, “Monte Carlo Confidence Sets for Identified Sets”, Econometrica, 2018, 86, 1965-2018.

Q. Vuong, Y. Luo and I. Perrigne, “Auctions with Ex Post Uncertainty“, Rand Journal of Economics, 2018, 49, 574-593.

Q. Vuong, Y. Luo and I. Perrigne, “Structural Analysis of Nonlinear Pricing,” Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 126, 2523-2568.



T. Christensen, “Nonparametric Stochastic Discount Factor Decomposition”, Econometrica, 2017, 85, 1501-1536 

A. Galichon and F. Echenique, “Ordinal and cardinal solution concepts for two-sided matching”, Games and Economic Behavior, 2017, 101, 63-77.

A. Galichon and B. Salanié, “The Econometrics and Some Properties of Separable Matching Models”, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2017, 107, 251-255.

A. Galichon, G. Carlier and V. Chernozhukov, “Vector quantile regression beyond correct specification”, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2017, 161, 17-40.

A. Galichon, “A survey of some recent applications of optimal transport methods to econometrics”, Econometrics Journal, 2017, 20, C1-C11.

A. Galichon, V. Chernozhukov, M. Hallin and M. Henry, “Monge-Kantorovich Depth, Quantiles, Ranks and Signs”, Annals of Statistics, 2017, 45, 223-256.

Q. Vuong and H. Xu, “Counterfactual Mapping and Individual Treatment Effects in Nonseparable Models With Binary Endogeneity”, Quantitative Economics, 2017, 8, 589-610.

Q. Vuong, N. Liu and H. Xu, “Rationalization and Identification of binary Games With Correlated Types,” Journal of Econometrics, 2017, 201, 249-268.



A. Galichon and R. Bojilov, “Matching in Closed-Form: Equilibrium, identification, and comparative statics”, Economic Theory, 2016, 61, 587-609.

A. Galichon, K. Chiong and M. Shum, “Duality in dynamic discrete choice models”, Quantitative Economics, 2016, 7, 83-115.

A. Galichon, G. Carlier and V. Chernozhukov, “Vector quantile regression: an optimal transport approach”, Annals of Statistics, 2016, 44, 1165–1192.

A. Galichon, A Charpentier and M Henry, “Local utility and risk aversion”, Mathematics of Operations Research, 2016, 41, 466-476.



T. Christensen, “Nonparametric Identification of Positive Eigen functions”, Econometric Theory, 2015, 31, 1310-1330.

T. Christensen and X. Chen, Optimal Uniform Convergence Rates and Asymptotic Normality for Series Estimators Under Weak Dependence and Weak Conditions, Journal of Econometrics, 2015, 188, 447-465.

A. Galichon and A. Dupuy, “Canonical Correlation and Assortative Matching: A Remark”, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 119/120, pp. 375—383.

A. Galichon, S. Kominers and S. Weber, “The Nonlinear Bernstein-Schrodinger Equation in Economics”, Proceedings of the Second Conference “Geometric Science of Information”, F. Nielsen and F. Barbaresco, eds. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 2015, 9389, 51-59.

E. Manresa and S. Bonhomme, “Grouped Patterns of Heterogeneity in Panel Data”, Econometrica, 2015, 83, 1147-1184.

E. Manresa, Y. Ait-Sahalia and D. Amengual, “Market Based Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models”, Journal of Econometrics, 2015, 187, 418-435.

K. Menzel, “Inference for Games with Many Players”, Review of Economic Studies, 2015, 83, 306-337.

K. Menzel, “Large Matching Markets as Two-Sided Demand Systems”, Econometrica, 2015, 83, 897-941.

K. Menzel, V. Chernozhukov and E. Kocatulum, “Inference on Sets in Finance”, Quantitative Economics, 2015, 6, 309-358. 

For publications of CRATE members from earlier years, consult their individual websites, listed here