The Film is a silent film paired with original music to give it a calming vibe. There is no deeper meaning behind this story, what’s on screen is on screen.
The Adventure is a film that follows a duck on its own adventure. There is no true story behind the adventure of this duck as it tries to find its way around the vast scary world. However, people can decide their own stories as they follow it around. A sense of homecoming and closure should be felt when watching this film. With all the chaos and terrible events happening now, people can really relax and understand while watching this film. There is no action or adventure that pairs with romance. Its only a duck who finds his way back to his owner. A simple and delightful “tail.”
This film was shot on an iPhone 7s plus with no additional hardware or software. It was edited in Adobe Premiere Pro, and the Music was done originally by, Grant Alexander. His Soundcloud is: