Phobia is my first directed short film. The story that depicts someone with intense phobia but demands human intimacy is inspired by a quote of David Foster Wallace, “We’re all lonely for something we don’t know we’re lonely for. How else to explain the curious feeling that goes around feeling like missing somebody we’ve never even met?”

Tech details of the film: I used Iphone 7 for the filming, with extended lens called KOZIRO. I used Premiere Pro for editing, Gliche for special effects and After Effects for text effects. I also used Iphone 7 for recording with an extended microphone, and post de-noise touch.

Wenkai Wang is currently a Gallatin sophomore, whose concentration is philosophy, animation, filmmaking and graphic novel. Wenkai grew up in Shanghai, China. Having come to America for high school education, Wenkai met artist Karl Connolly, and through four years of rigorous fine arts training he learned multiple aspects of artistic creation.  Some influences on his art: Masaaki Yuasa, Takehiko Inoue, Jan Švankmajer, Peter Booth, Robert Bresson… In his work, the paradoxical duality, such as monochrome and color, harmony and dissonance interest him the most. However, most of the time he has no idea what he is doing.


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