ENDURANCE: Collecting Letters from MIT in the Age of COVID-19

Created by MIT’s History of MIT course, the ENDURANCE project is intended to document the impact of the crisis on students in the classes of 2020 (which would have graduated this year) and the class of 1970 (scheduled to have its 50th reunion at commencement). Students and alumni can upload a photo of a handwritten letter, a typed letter, an audio recording of their voice reading their letter aloud, a photo of artwork, or anything else.  Suggested questions to answer include:

  • How did you spend that last insane week?
  • How are you organizing your life now? How do you deal with both the changes, and the way things are going now?
  • What is important about physical presence? What or who do you miss/need about or from an actual campus?
  • What is/was on your mind? What are the stories of your experiences that you want others to remember going forward?