Por­trait of a Vil­lage in a Time of Cri­sis: Irv­ing­ton 2020

The Irvington (New York) Historical Society seeks the community’s help in chronicling the extraordinary circumstances all are living through as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please send personal reflections, stories, and photos that express your response to the crisis. The Society will collect, compile, and preserve your submissions as part of our mission to chronicle the history of the village.

They welcome contributions from villagers of all ages. Your contributions will provide a portrait of Irvington as it faces the challenges of this very complicated time. They plan to share some of your reflections on their website, on social media, and in their newsletter The Roost.

Sub­mis­sion Guide­lines:

* Send your sub­mis­sions to pres­i­dent@irv­ing­ton­his­tor­i­cal­so­ci­ety.org

Or Irv­ing­ton His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety, PO Box 23. Irv­ing­ton, NY 10533

* In­clude your sub­mis­sion as an at­tach­ment to your email.

* To send pho­tos, use .jpg and in­clude a cap­tion.

* There is no min­i­mum or max­i­mum word length. Sub­mis­sions may be ex­cerpted or edited, as deemed ap­pro­pri­ate for pro­ject pur­poses.

* By mak­ing a sub­mis­sion, you are grant­ing per­mis­sion for dis­tri­b­u­tion and/​or pub­li­ca­tion by the Irv­ing­ton His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety