Computer Graphics (CG) is a sub-field of Computer Science which deals with generating images for use in any medium. CG delves deeply into advanced math and efficient algorithms in order to optimize the image creation processes. Its application areas include but not limited to movies, video games, commercials, scientific visualization and more. CG has close connections with Computational Geometry, Computer Vision and Image Processing like study fields. Among others, modeling, animation and rendering sub-fields of CG step forward and each of these three areas is actually another umbrella term for its own sub-fields.
At NYU, Computer Graphics has been taught in both undergraduate and graduate levels. Since it heavily relies on Math, CG course has been frequently considered as one of the difficult ones. We would like to work against this idea.  In this project, our aim is to teach the fundamentals of Computer Graphics to new beginners in undergraduate level by visualization of the concepts and gamification. Therefore, we gamified some of the starting level concepts in Unity. Results of this project will be analyzed in Summer 2024 and will be shared with public soon.

Please visit our page to play the game:

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One thought on “NEW CG APP”

  1. Exciting news about the new CG app! It’s great to see efforts to make Computer Graphics more accessible, especially for beginners. The combination of visualization and gamification sounds like an engaging way to learn the fundamentals. Looking forward to seeing the results in Summer 2024!

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