Welcome to Perspectives

In this section of Contingencies, we publish short reflections on current events and their impact on global education. Our Perspectives section grew from a special page we created last spring to feature responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for teaching and learning. We invite submissions on other issues, though we remain particularly interested in work addressing the pandemic and/or ongoing struggles for racial justice.

We welcome narrative statements of 200-1500 words, poems, images, audio, and video.

If you’d like to contribute, please send your reflection to contingencies-journal@nyu.edu. Be sure to include your full name and title with your submission. In order to publish these perspectives as quickly as possible, submissions will be reviewed only by our editors.

Format and Permissions Guidelines

Please use the following file formats when submitting your reflection:

Word Document (docx)
Image (png, jpeg)
Audio (mp3, mp4, wav)
Video (mp4, wmv, maximum file size 2GB)

Submissions that include photos, audio, or video depicting living persons must be accompanied by the appropriate permissions for sharing those images (what is appropriate depends on the laws in the nation where the images are produced). The editors will review submissions and alert you if they see anything that may violate FERPA or copyright law, but it is your responsibility to keep in compliance with those regulations. For US regulations, see http://www.nyu.edu/about/policies-guidelines-compliance/policies-and-guidelines/FERPA.html for information on FERPA and http://www.nyu.edu/footer/copyright-and-fair-use.html for information on copyright and fair use.