Memeing Mental Illness: A New Group Therapy

The internet and social media have transformed traditional etiquettes around sharing and communication to allow people to air their personal suffering and turmoil in online spaces. One format through which mental illness is addressed is the meme.

Black Explosion and Utopia: The Ante-Norm’s Call

Francophone representation of the black colonial subject claims a lineage stemming from codified wartime propaganda and regimes of visual control over the racial imaginary. Gradual widenings in a postcolonial French filmic canon produced a reclamatory arc of formerly silenced black narratives.

Huang Yong Ping: Nonsense is Sense

Around a circle surrounded by cryptic protestations “Without assassination of art, there can be no peace!”; “Art is like opium!”; and “Dadaism is Dead!”; the Xiamen Dadaists concluded their retrospective exhibition by burning nearly sixty artworks.