NYU IT Core Beliefs

We demonstrate our core beliefs every day in our interactions, attitude, and performance.

People at the heart of everything we do.

We listen to our clients and colleagues, and use our expertise to anticipate and address their needs.

Create space to innovate.

We challenge assumptions, and seek out fresh perspectives and new ways of thinking to fuel our productivity.

Right promises. Right delivery.

We set clear goals and priorities, and execute with speed and agility to deliver better results.

Share information. Build trust.

We engage in open and honest communications that reflects inclusiveness, fairness, and respect for each other.

Teams and partnerships work. Barriers don’t.

We collaborate to maximize the value we bring to NYU because our best ideas come from working together.

Insist on excellence.

We take pride in what we do, strive to improve constantly, and hold ourselves accountable for the results.

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