NOVEMBER 15 | 5 PM | LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN!  (60 mins., 1974, Dir: St. Claire Bourne; Icarus Films)

LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN!  (60 mins., 1974, Dir: St. Claire Bourne; Icarus Films). Post-screening discussion with JON GOFF (The Flaherty), REV. ALISHA GORDON (The Riverside Church), and SAM POLLARD (Film & TV, NYU). Moderator: JOSSLYN LUCKETT (Cinema Studies, NYU).
Barbra Meek

NOVEMBER 7 | 5 PM | “DŪŁĄ́ NḖGÉDÉTS’EK GĒT’Ē / IT SEEMS LIKE THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND: Kaska Language Endangerment and Indigenous Children in the 21st century” Lecture by Barbra Meek (Univ. of Michigan)

DŪŁĄ́ NḖGÉDÉTS’EK GĒT’Ē / IT SEEMS LIKE THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND: Kaska Language Endangerment and Indigenous Children in the 21st century” lecture by Barbra Meek (University of Michigan)