1. Recordings Of Steps 4,5 step4: step5: 2.My Code and Schematic for Step5: int sensorPin = 2; int tiltVal; int number = 1; int actualNumber = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(“Let’s do this!”); pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT); } int pretiltVal; void…
Recitaton 2
CIRCUIT 1: In this circuit, the LED will fade and shine repeatedly. CIRCUIT 2: In this circuit, the buzzer will make some music. CIRCUIT 3: The function of this circuit is to compete the clicking speed…
Group Research Project: Read
1. My idea for story The Veldt fitness programmer Description: It’s a device that can replace personal trainners, which can detect the potential problems regarding bones and muscules of your body and respond to the special requirements of body shaping.…
Group Project: Research
HOW I DEFINE INTERACTON The key words to this question are just like what Crawford once said: Listen, Think, Speak, cycle Interaction is about learning from the environment, capturing the movements, then analyzing the information, dealing with changes, and responding…
Recitation 1
FOR TASK 1: step1: With this complete circuit, the buzzer will beep when the button is pressed. step2: After adding a parallel circuit, the LED will light up and the buzzer will beep at the same time. My partner…