I hope that you had a good break. One of the benefits of working in higher education is the time we get around the holidays when not only are we off, the rest of NYU is (mostly) off. Many of us use this time differently, enjoying time with loved ones, resting, decompressing, traveling, sleeping in airports (sorry, too soon?), catching up on tasks,etc. Regardless, I hope that you have come back ready to take on 2023. We have a lot that we can contribute to NYU – let’s do it!
On January 16, we will celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday and the civil rights movement. When we look back on that era, I think we can all stand in awe of the heroes that fought for civil rights. “Think Globally, Act Locally,” a popular bumper sticker, is something that I’ve always tried to take to heart. Everyday behaviors add up. Treating everyone with respect, honoring different backgrounds, and treating people as they would like to be treated makes NYU a better place. In honor of Dr. King, and to commemorate his historic 1961 visit to NYU’s former University Heights Campus in the Bronx, NYU has planned a week of events and programs from February 13 through 18 hosted by the NYU MLK Week Planning Committee in collaboration with the Office of Global Inclusion, Diversity, and Strategic Innovation. I invite you to join me in celebrating Dr. King’s legacy of service and unity.