Recognizing Achievements

When we accomplish our tasks we all feel a certain sense of satisfaction. When we do an exceptionally good job, we are usually proud of ourselves. This sense of pride in our work drives us as professionals. When exceptional work is recognized, it can multiply our good feelings. Being recognized by our boss and our colleagues is a powerful tool in keeping people engaged. 

Being appreciated for what we do is essential to an engaged team and contributes strongly to a sense of belonging. As leaders we should not be stingy with our praise and recognition. However, we need to be careful that we don’t undermine our efforts. Be aware that false praise can be damaging. People know what they have achieved, and being praised for sub-standard work diminishes the impact of praise for good work. Some people may work on projects that do not have a high profile despite being important. Some perform tasks that only draw attention when things don’t go well. Or they may not be prone to promoting their accomplishments. Seeing others recognized when they know they have achieved more can be disheartening. 

As leaders we need to pay close attention to our team as we dole out praise and recognition. Generally, we don’t do enough and should do more, but it is important that we are thoughtful as we do.

There are formal opportunities. We want to recognize accomplishments from across all of NYU in the IT Spotlight. You can submit nominations from the link.