Preparing for end-of-semester support

Somehow it’s already the end of another academic year. This time of year always inspires moments of reflection. As we enter finals season, I want to urge you, as I have in the past, to spend time with your colleagues reflecting on how you/we are supporting students and faculty, and then consider opportunities to further improve as we begin preparing for the fall. Does our current way of doing things benefit our mission, or can we better help the NYU community by considering a new way? 

This time last year, I listed several questions we can ask ourselves about how we’re supporting students, faculty, and staff. I think they’re solid questions and worth revisiting:

  1. How are you meeting their needs? Is your support helping? How? 
  2. What does each group need more of? What do they need less of?
  3. Is your support reactive, proactive, or a combination?
  4. What gaps in support need to be addressed first? 
  5. What opportunities for improvement can we support in the future?
  6. How can you use metrics to assess current support and future improvements? 

Let’s also remember that this can be a stressful time for everyone—ourselves included. Take a moment to breathe, practice patience, and feel good about how much we’ve accomplished.

Finally, I want to remind everyone about the technical change freeze periods (see below). Not rolling out service changes during this time is one way we can help everyone have a successful end of the semester.

Reminder of important change freeze Information – please plan accordingly

  • Fall Registration (Application Freeze) – April 8th, 2024 through April 22nd, 2024
  • End of spring Semester (General Freeze) – April 22nd, 2024  through May 20th, 2024
  • NYU IT Change Freeze Exemption form