Please share these NYU IT Tech Resources

Share these New Tech Resources with your community

I want to make the IT leadership community aware of some recently-published and revised resources for you to share with your staff. IT professionals usually have more access to more information than most other NYU staff, so there’s more responsibility for us to be responsible stewards of the trust we’ve been granted. Also, there’s just a lot of stuff out there, and onboarding new staff can be daunting. In order to make that process easier, and to make it clear the steps we need to take to safeguard University data and services, we’ve put together a couple of checklists. Please share them with your staff and feel encouraged to provide feedback.

  • Tech Checklist for New NYU Staff: This new resource provides both new hires and hiring managers with a step-by-step guide to onboarding new team members with essential IT services, such as Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo), VPN, NYU Email, Zoom, and more.
  • NYU Staff Tech Guide: this guide has been around for a while, but last month, it was substantially redesigned and reorganized to streamline delivering info about the most common services used by NYU employees.
  • Cybersecurity Checklist for NYU Technologists: I mentioned this one not too long ago, but it’s worth reminding everyone. IT professionals set the standards for cybersecurity practice at NYU and IT leaders set the standards for our staff. This checklist, in addition to the foundational list, lays out the essential steps we all need to take to keep NYU cybersecure.
  • Tech Standards: NYU allows a wider variety of tech than many other universities, which can be a support challenge. The Tech Standards are a guide for schools and departments to make sure they purchase equipment that meets the standards required to use most IT services and meet our cybersecurity goals.
  • Tech Info for Schools and Units: Let this page help you find the shortest route to the support content you and your community needs. Rather than creating your own support content, consider sharing links to NYU IT guides and IT Services. Technology tools and instructions tend to change often, so linking to centrally-maintained information helps ensure our NYU community finds the most up-to-date info. 

The most important perspective we must have is the perspective of our stakeholders. Our community is focused on moving NYU forward. We must make technology as effective and easy to use as possible. They see IT as an abstract, and don’t really care who is delivering it. The easier it is for them to find help, the happier we all will be.