Enjoy Yourself and Focus on the Positive

We’ve almost made it to the end of 2021. It has been another year with stresses, uncertainty  and quite a few accomplishments. You can’t be as good a leader when you are stressed, exhausted or burned out. Try to disengage from work as much as you can over the Winter Break. Emphasize to yourself and […]

Core Belief: People at the Heart of Everything We Do

I’m the new CIO at NYU and would like to open up communication among IT staff across all of NYU. Feel free to send me a note on any topic. I really need to understand as much about what is going on across NYU as possible to be a better CIO.  I would also like […]

Trust is the Foundation

Over the last month I’ve been fortunate to talk to leaders from across the University. A number of themes have emerged, but today I’ll just focus on one. It is clear that we have to trust each other.  Breakdowns of trust don’t happen overnight and trust cannot just be willed into existence. We all need […]

CIO Message to IT Leaders @ NYU

I am thrilled to be here at one of the world’s great universities in the greatest city in the world. The key to our success is our people. Great leadership brings out the best in people and we can all continuously improve our own leadership skills. You are receiving this email as you are a […]

Message to IT Staff @ NYU

I’m Don Welch, NYU’s new Global CIO. I am thrilled to be here at one of the world’s great universities in the greatest city in the world. As I’ve been learning about IT throughout NYU, I feel very fortunate to be working with you. You have accomplished so much as well as supporting NYU throughout […]