Recharging through Vacation Days

We’ve been dealing with a pandemic for over two years, and many of us are weary. We’ve picked up extra work, both to support NYU’s response and because some of our co-workers have left in the “Great Resignation.” That may be easing now, but we are facing inflation and a possible downturn in our economy. […]

Be the Leader You Wish You Had

Leadership is still more art than science. There are rules that generally work, but how we apply them is based on the individuals involved. People are complicated. We do our best. When we can’t follow an algorithm, one of the best ways to learn is by watching others. Simon Sinek, author and popular TED Talk […]

Leadership vs. Management

There are lots of definitions that compare and contrast leadership and management. Both are extremely important skills for people in our positions. I think of management as the planning and oversight of resources used to accomplish a task. Resources can be people, money, tools, time, etc. Management is more science than art. We build work […]


Last week, I had the honor of sitting on the platform for the NYU Class of ’22 commencement. It was a great experience that reminded me of why we are here. Our students have faith in us. They commit their time and their tuition and expect to receive an education that prepares them to achieve […]


There are some signs that the salary competition for IT talent may be cooling, however we at NYU will not be competing on salary. So, how do we keep our people engaged when we may not be able to match the industry standard for salaries outside of higher education? Glad you asked. When I think […]

Mental Health Awareness Month

As many of you know, my father died a few weeks ago. He was almost 94 and, unfortunately, his quality of life was declining. As I reflect on his life, I see that he was never a happy person. He was always concerned about how things could go wrong and would focus on what he […]


When I was interviewing for this job, I shared my personal leadership philosophy with you soon after my start. In it, I listed “kindness” as one of my values. One of my interviewers expressed surprise, saying that kindness wasn’t something she had ever associated with IT. I’d guess that few people ever think of kindness […]

Personal Productivity

I’ve had some requests to talk about my personal experience as it leads to being successful. One of the advantages of being older is having lots of experience. Something that might seem basic is planning. I plan my work three ways: daily, weekly, and monthly.  The way I plan my daily work is that I […]

Coercive Leadership

In 1879, Major General John Schofield said, “The discipline which makes the soldiers of a free country reliable in battle is not to be gained by harsh or tyrannical treatment. On the contrary, such treatment is far more likely to destroy than to make an army. It is possible to impart instruction and to give […]


I am enrolled in NYU’s Global Inclusive Leadership Management Institute. For those not familiar with it, it is a three-part course that examines the role inclusive leadership plays in achieving inclusion, diversity, belonging, and equity within the work environment. I believe that one should never stop learning, whether we take advantage of formal programs like […]