FY23 NYU IT Projects

This summer, equipped with feedback from the community and our IT partners, NYU IT undertook a review of current and potential projects to develop a strategy for the new fiscal year. This is always an exciting and difficult undertaking—exciting because we look ahead to new initiatives and efforts, and difficult because we have to balance […]

Start of Semester Thoughts for Leaders

A new semester is a chance to think about what lies ahead, get organized, and commit to what you want to accomplish. Remember, we all have two critical functions ~ leadership and management. Strategic planning, defining tasks, and marshaling resources are critical to accomplishing our goals. Remember to be agile and adaptable. No plan survives […]

Using Data and Becoming Data Driven

Traditionally, IT’s primary focus has been system stability and reliability—if we don’t keep things running, then the entire University suffers. However, one of the by-products of a technology-powered world is an abundance of data that can be analyzed to better understand how we can improve our services and evolve the IT landscape at NYU. As […]

Student Tech Guide and IT Service Resources for the NYU Community

One of my ongoing priorities is to increase the benefits that our community gets from IT services. NYU has a robust IT landscape. However, the number of available services can make it complicated for people to discover a resource they may not be familiar with but could benefit from, or to find instructions and tutorials […]

Our Priorities

I’ve shared my priorities for the year with your leaders. It is important for you to know what my priorities are, and how your work contributes to our success and has a positive impact on the NYU community. You may not have a formal leadership role, however the decisions you make and the actions you […]

My Priorities

I’ve been at NYU for nine months. In some ways it feels longer, and in others not very long at all. As we look forward to the next academic year, I’d like to share my priorities. Please note that these are not SMART goals by design. At this point, specific and measurable goals would be […]


We’re approaching the start of a new academic year, and that means the hard work we do is about to take center stage for tens of thousands of NYU community members. It’s a time when the value of our work becomes most evident, and it’s also an opportunity to think about the impact our effort […]


John Maxwell defines a leadership framework with five levels (Five Levels of Leadership). The first or lowest level is Position and relies on the authority your position provides. I have always felt that I had failed as a leader when I resorted to my authority. He says that for many, leadership evolutions stops at level […]

Admitting You Don’t Know

On my first day at West Point, we were taught that we had only four answers when asked a question: “Yes,” “No,” “I do not understand,” and “No excuse.” It is amazing how just those four answers pretty much covered it. I think it is informative that among all the things the cadre were trying […]

Recognizing Achievements

When we accomplish our tasks we all feel a certain sense of satisfaction. When we do an exceptionally good job, we are usually proud of ourselves. This sense of pride in our work drives us as professionals. When exceptional work is recognized, it can multiply our good feelings. Being recognized by our boss and our […]