Good to Great, Part 2

First Who, Then What The chapter “First Who, Then What” from Good to Great focuses on the importance of hiring the right people before developing a business strategy. Jim Collins, the author, argues that companies that prioritize hiring the right people, and then focus on getting them into the right roles, are more likely to […]

NYU IT Strategy

Today I’d like to talk a little about IT strategy. You can get a good overview of NYU IT’s strategy here. I’d like to explain how we developed this strategy and how it should be used. When Stern teaches undergrads about strategy, the context is businesses competing against each other. This makes sense—business adopted the […]

Crucial Conversations – Pt. 4

In this final message on Crucial Conversations, I would first like to emphasize how important I think the ability to have successful crucial conversations is to achieving your goals as well as our goals as an organization. Remember, a crucial conversation involves a difference of opinion, high importance, or emotions running high. When we enter […]

Start of Semester Thoughts for Leaders

A new semester is a chance to think about what lies ahead, get organized, and commit to what you want to accomplish. Remember, we all have two critical functions ~ leadership and management. Strategic planning, defining tasks, and marshaling resources are critical to accomplishing our goals. Remember to be agile and adaptable. No plan survives […]


John Maxwell defines a leadership framework with five levels (Five Levels of Leadership). The first or lowest level is Position and relies on the authority your position provides. I have always felt that I had failed as a leader when I resorted to my authority. He says that for many, leadership evolutions stops at level […]

Admitting You Don’t Know

On my first day at West Point, we were taught that we had only four answers when asked a question: “Yes,” “No,” “I do not understand,” and “No excuse.” It is amazing how just those four answers pretty much covered it. I think it is informative that among all the things the cadre were trying […]

Recognizing Achievements

When we accomplish our tasks we all feel a certain sense of satisfaction. When we do an exceptionally good job, we are usually proud of ourselves. This sense of pride in our work drives us as professionals. When exceptional work is recognized, it can multiply our good feelings. Being recognized by our boss and our […]