Key IT Projects and Initiatives for 2024/25

The end of every academic year is a chance to evaluate the projects and initiatives that will become priorities during the next academic year. This summer, NYU IT worked with partners across NYU to identify our major undertakings, and I’m pleased to say that for the first time, everything we asked for has been approved […]

Emotional Intelligence

I’ve discussed Emotional Intelligence (EI) before, but I feel that it is something that we must continue to work on. Like any ability, I believe that we can get better, but it takes focus. EI is increasingly recognized as a critical factor for success in the professional environment. It encompasses the ability to understand, manage, […]


A number of people have asked about innovation and how we can be more innovative. This is an interesting question. Back in the 80’s and 90’s IT was new and a lot of innovation came from faculty, students, and staff at universities. IT has matured. Universities depend on IT and as a result are less […]

Your first team

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni is a book I reviewed in 2022 in a 5-part series that began with this blog post. One point that I want to revisit is the concept of team membership and your “first team.” As administrators at NYU, we are all members of many teams. Some […]

Lessons from CrowdStrike incident

The past week has certainly given us a lot to talk about in IT. The global outage caused by the Crowdstrike update thankfully had minimal impact on NYU as an institution, though some individuals may have experienced issues. I think there are some lessons we can learn, however.  Follow Maintenance Procedures First, don’t overestimate “non-impacting” […]


Culture is very powerful. Like all things powerful it can be good or bad. My definition of organizational culture is a set of beliefs, values, and attitudes that result in the behaviors of members. Our teams have cultures as do our departments, schools, campuses as well as NYU.  When we are in a situation with […]

The Power Law of Effort

I think there are a couple of behaviors that have an outsize impact on our professional and personal success. The first is curiosity and the second is the “Power Law of Effort.” These are somewhat related to grit so I wanted to give you my perspective on them. “Curiosity killed the cat” is probably the […]

DISGC Report

Last week we held the Digital Infrastructure and Systems Governance Committee (DISGC) meeting.  We hold this meeting 4-6 times a year and it is the senior IT governance committee.  We presented them with two decisions and some updates.   We recommended that they approve the Data, Analytics and Insights Council as a new governance body that […]


The topic of “grit” has come up. This was a popular discussion a few years ago. Whether it’s trendy or not the value of resilience, sticktoitiveness, or grit can’t be overstated. To me, this means not giving up on a goal regardless of hardship, obstacles or setbacks. Paul Harvey, a radio commentator from a while […]

Please share these NYU IT Tech Resources

Share these New Tech Resources with your community I want to make the IT leadership community aware of some recently-published and revised resources for you to share with your staff. IT professionals usually have more access to more information than most other NYU staff, so there’s more responsibility for us to be responsible stewards of […]