

Books and translations

The Embedded Portrait:  Giotto, Giottino, Angelico
Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 2023   
A History of Art History
Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 2019             Short-listed (one of five) for Apollo Book of the Year Award*click for reviews of this book

Anachronic Renaissance (with Alexander Nagel)
New York: ZONE Books, 2010

Translated as Renaissance anachroniste (Paris: Presses du Réel, 2015) and Renacimiento anacronista (Madrid: Akal, 2017); Rinascimento anacronico (Rome: Quodlibet, forthcoming)

*click for reviews of this book



Forgery, Replica, Fiction: Temporalities of German Renaissance Art University of Chicago Press, 2008            

 *click for PDF of entire book
 *click for reviews of this book

This book was awarded the 2009 Susanne M. Glasscock Humanities Book Prize for Interdisciplinary Scholarship


The Vienna School Reader: Politics and Art Historical Method in the 1930s, Editor, with introductory essay
New York, ZONE Books, 2000
*click for review of this book
Altdorfer cover FC revise 3-2 Albrecht Altdorfer and the Origins of Landscape
London: Reaktion, and Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993
Revised edition, 2014, with new Afterword*click for table of contents and chapter one
   Translation of Erwin Panofsky, “Perspektive als ‘Symbolische Form,'” published as Perspective as Symbolic Form, with introductory essay
New York: ZONE, 1991  

Translation of Hans Belting, Das Ende der Kunstgeschichte?
published as The End of the History of Art?
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987





* Click on red titles to download texts in PDF form *

In Press:

Introduction to translation of Alois Riegl, Volkskunst, Hausfleiss, und Hausindustrie, in West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture 


Encyclopedia Entries

  • entry on “Albrecht Dürer,” Gay Histories and Cultures: An Encyclopedia, ed. George E. Haggerty, New York and London: Garland Press, 2000, pp. 262-63
  • entries on “Iconoclasm and Iconophobia” and “Perspective,” Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. Michael Kelly, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998, 2: 450-54, 3: 477-81 (revised for new edition)
  • “The History of Art History,” Encyclopedia Americana, 1995 edition (CD-ROM); 1996 edition (print), pp. 384r-384s

Book Reviews

  • Molly Nesbit, The Pragmatism in the History of Art, in Artforum, November 2014, pp. ….
  • review of Thomas Noll, Albrecht Altdorfer in seiner Zeit: religiöse und profane Themen in der Kunst um 1500; Magdalena Bushart, Sehen und Erkennen: Albrecht Altdorfers religiöse Bilder; and Margit Stadlober, Der Wald in der Malerei und der Graphik des Donaustils,  Art Bulletin 89 (December 2007): 818-21
  • review of Joachim Pissarro, Cézanne/Pissarro, Johns/Rauschenberg:  Comparative Studies on Intersubjectivity in Modern Art, and Gabriele Guercio, Art as Existence:  The Artist’s Monograph and its Project, in Artforum, October 2006, pp. 77-78
  • review of Edgar Bierende, Lucas Cranach d. Ä. und der deutsche Humanismus:  Tafelmalerei im Kontext von Rhetorik, Chroniken und Fürstenspiegeln, in Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 69 (2006): 281-85
  • review of David Summers, Real Spaces, in Bookforum, February/March 2005, p. 20
  • review of Hans Belting, Bild-Anthropologie, in Art Bulletin 86 (June 2004): 370-73
  • review of Ernst Gombrich, The Preference for the Primitive, in The New Republic, May 26, 2003, pp. 31-35
  • review of Michael Fried, Menzel’s Realism, in Artforum, October 2002, pp. 43-4
  • review of Hans Belting, The Invisible Masterpiece, in The New Republic, March  25, 2002, pp. 40-46
  • review of Bruno Bushart, Die Fuggerkapelle in Augsburg, in Renaissance Quarterly 50 (Spring 1997): 326-27
  • review of Hubert Damisch, The Origin of Perspective and Le Jugement de Paris, in Art Bulletin 77 (December 1995): 677-82
  • review of books on Jan van Eyck by Craig Harbison, Joel Upton, and Jan-Baptist Bedaux, in Art Bulletin 75  (March 1993): 174-80
  • review of The Age of Dürer and Holbein, ed. John Rowlands, in Speculum 66 (1991): 471-74