Interactive Fashion

Exercise 10_Grasshopper

The interesting thing about Grasshopper is that I don’t need to select a surface or a mesh in the Rhino interface, so I don’t have to select the wrong one. It was also fun to use the Graph mapper or MD slider to slide the image to change the surface of the object. But the hard part is that it’s hard for me to know the meaning of all the components at once, and I need more practice to use them. Also my computer gets stuck easily, but luckily I saved everything in time this time πŸ˜€


Press “option+space bar”



Interactive Fashion

Exercise 9 — 3D modeling

This week I use the paneling tools in Rhino and practice using Rhino to create something wearable.

Following the instruction, I make the ring with a fixed shape. Since in-class instruction is very detailed, everything went well. 

And then I follow the video to make the mask. 

When I use the sphere function to create a three-dimensional mask and trim the sphere based on the mask image I have, it shows the wrong section. At last, I find that I need to trim it in the front view. In that case, it can work. 

When I created the contours of the face, I found that the effect I created was different from the one in the video even though I followed its steps and at the same time it looked similar in the front interface. But after smoothing the overall outline became less pronounced and more natural and the differences became smaller. (I always feel like my Rendered interface is very brightly lit overall, making the outline look less distinct, and I’m not sure if this can be adjusted)

I think creating the nose is the hardest part to grasp, and the nose I make always comes out exaggerated. I try to turn the angle down a bit, that becomes more natural.

I finished the work successfully but the sad thing is that my computer crashed right after I exported the stl. file and I didn’t have time to export its working file and the file of the bangle afterwards. (I felt as sad as if I had been hit by a real rhino with its horn) When I tried to print the mask I found again that the mask only had volume on the border and not on the body of the mask although I added the thickness as guided. I tried to add thickness to the exported stl file but it failed, I will try again later. 

For the bangle part, just as mentioned before, my computer crashed halfway. I only can find back the read-only file (I can modify it but can not copy or export the file). So I remake the model. 

But when I really print it out, I find that it is easy to break. I need to change the width of the pipe (I use 15 in this version and  40 later) And I also wonder whether this problem is caused because the size of the model, so I change the size of the bangle. (To tell the truth, I haven’t realized that width of 11 centimeters and 7 centimeters in height is actually too big for a bangle.)

In the pro version, I change the width of the pipe and enlarge the size of the bangle. And I also find that there is a relatively empty space in the pattern design which means less support in 3D printing. So I add some lines in the pattern to give more support. Now they are very strong but a little bit too big for the wrist, maybe they can serve for the ankle.


Interactive Fashion

Project 2

Based on the previous project, we continue work on Glowworm. We wanted to continue the previous concept of soft emotions and bones, so we still used wool and paper clay to shape the spine. 

Meanwhile, based on our previous prototype inspired by a wooden crocodile toy, we used paper as a medium to connect the wool to the bone. We wrapped the wool around the outside, but it was a little too thick to allow the whole device to move flexibly. 

At first, we let the pressure sensor read the value directly and reflected it in the motor movement, but under Marcela’s guidance we realized that it would be better to use the pressure sensor as a trigger, so we changed the code. (I actually thought about using the pressure sensor as a trigger at first but when I wrote the if statement I didn’t realize that the else wasn’t necessary and I tried many times to get the code to work the way I wanted it to, but all I had to do was remove the else condition.TT )

Original code and its condition

#include <Servo.h> //header for controller servo
Servo servo; //keeping name of servo SERVO itself
int sensorvalue =0;
void setup(){
pinMode(A2,INPUT); //force sensor value input
pinMode(9,OUTPUT); //PWM output to servo
servo.attach(9); //telling where signal pin of servo attached(must be a PWM pin)
void loop(){
sensorvalue = analogRead(A2); //read analog value from sensor
 servo.write(sensorvalue/3); //set servo position based on ADC result

 Code we are using now

#include <Servo.h> //header for controller servo
Servo myservo; //keeping name of servo SERVO itself
int pos = 0;
int sensorvalue = 0;
void setup() {
  pinMode(A2, INPUT); //force sensor value input
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //PWM output to servo
  myservo.attach(9); //telling where signal pin of servo attached(must be a PWM pin)
void loop() {
  sensorvalue = analogRead(A2); //read analog value from sensor
  //set servo position based on ADC result
  if (sensorvalue >500){

void moveServo() {

  for (pos = 30; pos <= 150; pos += 1) { // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees
    // in steps of 1 degree
    myservo.write(pos);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
    delay(10);                       // waits 15 ms for the servo to reach the position
  for (pos = 150; pos >= 30; pos -= 1) { // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees
    myservo.write(pos);              // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
    delay(10);                       // waits 15 ms for the servo to reach the position

This is our initial result. To immobilize the spine, we designed a neck collar to make the whole device wearable. z This prototypeg did not work very well for several reasons:
1. The paper in the middle is too thick causing the whole device to be not very flexible

2. The distance between the bones and the bones is too large in so swinging when they can not touch each other to drive the movement

3.  The motor is placed below (We haven’t realized at that time)

4. The motor is doing the curved movement and we swing the wooden crocodile toys when the action is actually a little different, perhaps better for linear movement. (We also haven’t realized at that time)

So based on the first two problems, we made another prototype to test. It is a scaled-up version of the model we used in the previous exercise.

We found that it was difficult to return the paper to its proper position after bending, and this problem seemed to be insurmountable for a while, so we needed to think about replacing the structure. Meanwhile, we hope to improve our prototype through 3D printing. 

We found a model of a fish skeleton on Thingiverse, replaced the scale and trimmed the parts to make our new version of the skeleton prototype, and learned how to use the 3D printer in the process.

We tried to change the position of the motor to put it above, so that gravity will have less impact on the device. Now the model can be returned to the right position.

In addition, in order to transform the curved motion of the motor into a linear motion, we looked up information and found the Peaucellier-Lipkin Inversor

We found an approximate model in Thingiverse and improved it (adding slides and make the model consistent with the theory)

For further improvement, we would like to make the model of the motor part smaller so that it can be worn on the body. At the same time, we need to replace the design of the skeletal joints so that they can be naturally connected to the motor part.