Interactive Fashion

Exercise 7 – Inflatables



    This week we worked on making inflatables. The very interesting thing about making an inflatable toy is that you can’t fully imagine the effect of the finished product until it’s really inflated (of course, this should be because of our limited experience) I noticed that we needed to design the folded cutout to be narrower in order for the toy to have an obvious fold. At the same time to ensure that the toy does not leak air is also the key to success. We need to strictly control the temperature of the iron, 100 degrees Celsius to 170 degrees is feasible, but still between 130-150 degrees is safer because the temperature is too high will melt the plastic paper (and always remember to pad the baking paper!!) In order to ensure that the plastic film does not move freely, at the very beginning you can first fix around. It is better to press it gently in different positions than to iron it repeatedly, but be careful with the temperature!
    Compared to motor-controlled mechanical devices, the inflatable device has a more surprising effect, because it has a gradual expansion process, while in the process you can not fully imagine the final result.
    In our project, perhaps the heart and spine parts can be moved, which will make our glowworm more lifelike.


int motorPump = 9;
int valve = 11;
int motorSuck = 10;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(motorPump, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(valve, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorSuck, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
 //  inflate
  digitalWrite(valve, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motorSuck, LOW);

  //  deflate
  digitalWrite(motorPump, LOW);
  digitalWrite(valve, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorSuck, HIGH);


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