Interactive Fashion

Exercise 5 – Textiles

In the classroom exercise we combined water pipes and wire with braided wire. By pulling the two ends of the pipe, the wire will be pulled and become twisted. Between the water pipe and the water pipe, we used paper tape to fix, of course, the use of glue gun fixed is also feasible. At the same time, we found that because the water pipe is made of rubber, there will be a lot of friction between it and other materials. And the shape of the thicker water pipe is not really easy to change and needs to be fixed with plastic strips. But because the pipe itself is hollow inside, adding other materials (such as liquid) to it will be very interesting. We thought that maybe we could stuff fiber optics into it and add lighting at the end so that we could control the “flow” inside the pipe with a switch.

Here are photos of the “fabric” we made in class, which gave us inspiration for the weaving method and placement of the sensors.

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