Interaction Lab Uncategorized

Reading of Group Project

Reading of  Group Project

 Paragraph describing your idea for story 1

  In the Winter Market, the exoskeleton is powered by electricity and when it is out of energy, people can’t move anymore. Disabled people may die because of that. So I want to create an exoskeleton that can be controlled totally through people’s brain waves. The patch, which collects brainwave signals, can be attached directly to the body and wrapped in a hard exoskeleton to prevent damage. As long as people are conscious, they can’t lose their ability to act. But if the patch breaks, emergency repairs can be a big problem. 


 Paragraph describing your idea for story 2

  I would like to invent equipment that can make use of brain waves and connect people’s brains and let them transmit images and thoughts directly. It may look like an ordinary helmet and can be used in the background of Newton’s sleep. In Newton’s sleep, the author mentioned that people are suffering from homesickness after leaving the increasingly polluted earth. They also have the problem of educating the next generation about the earth. So if there is a machine that can create brain-to-brain circuits and transmit the audios and feelings of another person directly into another person’s brain, it will be more direct and lively for people to learn about the earth.

  But this invention may cause confusion in people’s thinking. They may not be able to tell which experiences are their own and which are someone else’s.


 Paragraph describing your idea for story 3

  I want to create a machine that can help people to remove the effects of time dilation or time compression. It helps regulate the speed of the body clock more quickly. It can be used in  “Time Care Unit.” and companies with alarm clocks that have a time compression function. It may be also designed as a clock and put in certain rooms so that outside interference will be minimal. When people feel stressed or uncomfortable, they can come into the room, spin the hands of the clock and choose the degree of their pain. Then the machine can work and release signals to the body. In that case, the body clock can return to normal. 

  This new invention may exacerbate the disorder of the body clock, especially in companies. The invention may let more employees become lab mice because treatment is easier and the cost of testing has gone down.

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