Communications Lab

Reading assignment of The Uncertainty of Documentarism

Reading assignment of The Uncertainty of Documentarism

1. Steyerl talks about how the “unbroken belief” of the documentary form is challenged. How are Steyerl’s ideas about truth and fiction represented and expressed in Abbas Kiarostami’s film? How does truth inform the fiction in Close up? How might fiction inform the truth?

Steyerl argues that “Paradoxically, documentary images are so powerful because there is no more unbroken belief in their truth.” in the article The Uncertainty of Documentarism.

He implies that the line between truth and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred. It can be shown in Abbas Kiarostami’s film. Taking Close up as an example, this film uses the method of documentary to tell a story about an unemployed painter posing as a famous director, gaining the trust of rich people, borrowing money from them to make a film, and being caught at last. Even though the film is shot in a way that makes it look like a documentary, we can’t confirm that the story is true. This allows the work to strike a delicate balance between truth and fiction. Abbas Kiarostami’s films, not just Close up show theory of Steyerl: the truth of contemporary documentary lies in their impression. They are perfectly true documents of that general uncertainty, so to speak. They reflect the precarious nature of contemporary lives as well as the uneasiness of any representation. So by telling fictional stories through the use of documentary filmmaking, truth informs the fiction in Close up.

I think it is hard for fiction to inform the truth because the fictional form of expression makes its own credibility is greatly reduced. Truth means reliable to some extent. But maybe using fiction to show something that is accepted as true by the public can work.      



2. What is the significance of the authenticity and representation of the truth in the media that you consume on a daily basis? What is the role of a live broadcast?

From my perspective, the significance of the authenticity and representation of the truth in the media that you consume on a daily basis is authoritative news and news and the various forms in which news is delivered TV shows, news feeds on mobile phones. I think the role of a live broadcast is to reflect the truth constantly. Since it can’t be edited, it is reliable to show what is happening outside. Although the angle can be controlled artificially, it is still one of the most reliable ways to show the truth.



Communications Lab

Memory Soundscape

Memory Soundscape

I just remembered a recent weekend morning. I wake up in the morning and because of the roar of the vacuum cleaner. I felt a little bit irritable. Soon the sound faded away I’m no longer fretful and enjoy the good time lying in bed. Later, Dad knocked at the door to call me to have breakfast. Sitting at the dining table, I enjoyed the smell of food and the leisure brought by the weekend.

I would like to use the sound of a hairdryer (easier to control the sound) to show the process by which the sound of a vacuum cleaner diminishes. At the same time, I want to add the sound of rubbing fabric to show off my irritability gradually. As this sound fades away, I want to use a blank and the gradual sound of a slow slap on the throw pillow to indicate the amount of time lying in bed. Then, I will tap on the table and the door panel to show footsteps and knocks. At last, I want to use the tapping of a glass or the sound of the wind to show the feeling of enjoyment.


Communications Lab

Diptych Project–《Sweet Dreams and Nightmares》

Diptych Project–《Sweet Dreams and Nightmares》

Instructor: Inmi

Creator: Ran Xu

Name of project: 《Sweet Dreams and Nightmares》


In the photograph, I choose to put the doll on the quilt and use warm light to create a warm and lovely atmosphere and show the feeling of sweet dreams.

In the photo-shop picture, I changed the background to black and white, keeping only the doll and book colors. In addition, I used the top light to shift the focus to dolls and books, giving the picture a ghostly feel like a horror film. In this light, the doll’s unchanging expression and wide eyes were even more ghastly. In this way, I want to show the feeling of nightmares.

I use the same doll to let these two paired pictures relate to each other. I tried to use two different dolls to show sweet dreams and nightmares respectively. But I found that the relation between the two images will be too weak. The same doll will be better. In addition, I change the light background of the two images to let them have a different atmosphere and let the theme of sweet dreams and nightmares respond to one another.



In staging and photographing part I, the doll I use is different from the one I use now. I use a doll sleeping on the bed. I try to use different kinds of light to show the feeling of sweet dreams. After I take the class, I found my concept is too simple and I don’t have the inspiration to do the photo-shop project. So I decide to choose Choose another more storied character to help me set the mood.

the first contact sheet I have made

So I decide to use the little red riding hood as my character and let her sitting on the piano and use the light to show the atmosphere of nightmares. After the class, I learned that my two images are too similar and I need to make some changes. So I think maybe the initial concept: sweet dreams and nightmares may be better than the concept of nightmares only. So I let the doll lie on the quilt to create a fairy-tale dream scene. After this, I put her and the fairy tale book on the piano and use the top light to show the nightmares. I changed the focus to focus on the doll and the book so that the picture became more diversified

the second craft photo

In creating part II image, to show the atmosphere of nightmares, I changed the background to black and white. What’s more, with the top light, both the doll and the book are partly in shadow. I adjusted the brightness and contrast of the doll and book sections to make the light contrast more obvious. At the same time, I twisted the keys to show the doll telling a story with music.

the part II image

I think the most significant step I have taken is that I change the part I image twice. I wonder how to express the feeling of sweet dreams and nightmares. I also wonder which concept will be better. At last, I found the contrast will be more appropriate for the diptych. So I used the background and warm light of the sheets from the original photo and change the character to keep the two pieces in touch.  



In conclusion, I try to use the theory I have learned in the classes to finish this project. I will find another background to show the concept of sweet dreams if I have more time because the sheets in the background are a little monotonous

Image of Diptych