Doherty Critical Landscapes

Gareth Doherty (Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, Harvard Graduate School of Design) 8 Dec 2019 Lecture: Critical Landscapes   Abstract: One of the most critical issues facing the design of urban settlements is engagement with people. Considering landscape as “the mutual shaping of people and place,” and drawing from anthropology, this lecture will ask two primary questions:… Read more Doherty Critical Landscapes

Sneha Lecture TBA

Puthiya Purayil Sneha (Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Bangalore) 20 January 2019 Lecture: TBA Abstract: TBA   Bio: Puthiya Purayil Sneha works with the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Bangalore.  Her work primarily engages with shifts in modes and practices of knowledge production in the humanities and arts with the digital turn. Her areas of interest… Read more Sneha Lecture TBA

Dickinson Supply Chain Cinema

Kay Dickinson (Professor of Film, Concordia University)  28 November 2019 Lecture: Supply Chain Cinema, Supply Chain Education: Producing Workers for Transnational Media Production Abstract:  Increasingly, big budget films are manufactured across a number of different sites.  While this practice may be motivated by the need for particular, narratively-determined backdrops, split location production is often a… Read more Dickinson Supply Chain Cinema

Jreis Navarro Last Pre-modern Arab Splendor

Laila Jreis Navarro (Al-Andalus|Magreb Chair, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile))  @layla_jreis 25 November 2019 Lecture: The Last Pre-modern Arab Splendor over the Euro-African Strait: Renaissance “Gap” and Digital Transition Abstract: In the middle of the 13th century, the fall of the Almohad empire meant the end of the Islamic West unity over the Strait of Gibraltar. A… Read more Jreis Navarro Last Pre-modern Arab Splendor

Blaustein On Trump and Textbooks

George Blaustein (University of Amsterdam,Assistant Professor) 11 March 2019  Lecture: Of Trump and Textbooks: Notes on Teaching US History Outside the US  Abstract: For many years, “American History, Beginning to End” has been the title of my introductory survey course in U.S. history. I teach in Amsterdam, and now is a curious moment for teaching American history abroad.… Read more Blaustein On Trump and Textbooks

Tetzlaff Cold War

Stefan Tetzlaff (Tandem Fellow in the History of Knowledge & Knowledge Cultures, German Historical Institute Washington, DC)  28 May 2019  Lecture: Cold War Expertise and Infrastructure: West German Aid and India’s National Development  Abstract: Why and how did development aid – as we know it today – emerge during the Cold War?  The talk addresses the… Read more Tetzlaff Cold War

Kirasirova Tashkent Spectacle

Masha Kirasirova (NYU Abu Dhabi, Assistant Professor of History) 30 April 2019 Lecture: A Tashkent Spectacle: 1960s Soviet Central Asian Cinema for the Afro-Asian World. Abstract: As Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated in the early 1960s, Moscow leaders grew increasingly concerned about Chinese propaganda depicting the USSR as white, Russian, and colonial. To counter these narratives, the Communist… Read more Kirasirova Tashkent Spectacle

Zielinski Expanded Hermeneutics

Siegfried Zielinski (Professor for Archaeology & Variantology of the Arts & Media at Berlin University of Arts; EGS Saas Fee, Michel-Foucault-Professor for Techno-Aesthetics and Media Archaeology) 20 Feb 2019 Lecture: Expanded Hermeneutics: Media Studies for the 21st Century   Abstract: In this lecture I would also address my own theoretical heritage with the Berlin Institute of Language in the Technical… Read more Zielinski Expanded Hermeneutics

Wrisley The Geolocation of Culture…

David Joseph Wrisley (NYU Abu Dhabi, Digital Humanities)  12 Feb 2019  Lecture: The Geolocation of Culture: On the Virtual in Mobile Spatial Humanities Practices  Abstract: Where are we when we are on the Internet? Where are we when we do digital humanities? As digital humanities practices grow, they are increasingly taking place in less physically situated conditions.… Read more Wrisley The Geolocation of Culture…

Trüper, Media Theory, Philology…

Henning Trüper (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies) 5 Feb 2019  Lecture: Media Theory, Philology, and the History of Disciplines   Abstract:   The talk discusses strange interferences of older humanities paradigms, Particularly philology, in the history of the theorization of media. I will argue that philology, in its nineteenth-century manifestation, was above all a project of rendering the explication… Read more Trüper, Media Theory, Philology…