April 28 The Ice Cream Sellers by Director Sohel Rahman

Join The New York Center for Global Asia for a screening of the award-winning film, The Ice Cream Sellers (2021), followed by a discussion with the director Sohel Rahman, moderated by Dina M. Siddiqi (Liberal Studies, NYU).

Time and Date: 4-7PM, April 28th, 2023
Location: New York University, King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, 53 Washington Square South, Room 701

Sohel Rahman is an award-winning filmmaker, writer, and producer based in Lisbon, Portugal. His films have been screened internationally in various film festivals and universities around the world. Sohel teaches film in different universities and institutes around the world as an invited filmmaker. He is the director and chief organizer of Mostra DE Cinema Saul Asiatico, Lisbon, Portugal,

Dina M. Siddiqi is Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Liberal Studies at New York University. Her research, grounded in the study of Bangladesh, joins development studies, transnational feminist theory, and the anthropology of Islam and human rights. She has published extensively on the global garment industry, non-state gender justice systems, and the cultural politics of Islam and nationalism in Bangladesh. She is currently engaged in a project on economic development, discourses of empowerment and the travels of civilizational feminisms. Professor Siddiqi is a member of the New York University Society of Fellows, on the advisory board of Dialectical Anthropology, and on the editorial board of Routledge’s Women in Asia Publication Series. 


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