The Melting Himalayas

Please join an upcoming Webinar Conference, co-sponsored by the NYUAD Global Asia Initiative, organized by our colleagues Sophia Kalantzakos (NYU/AD) and Yifei Li (NYU Shanghai), among others.
The Himalayas: Geopolitics and Ecology of Melting Mountains.
October 29-30, 2020.  
Please visit the conference website for details and registration.  We hope you are able to join us for this exciting and important conference.
“In the summer of 2020, while stories of COVID dominated the world’s attention, the Himalayan region flared up. Clashes between India and China and a spat between India and Nepal were more than just disputes over territory. They reflected growing anxiety over water. Glaciers have been melting at record speed, new lakes in danger of bursting have been forming rapidly, and monsoon patterns continue to change and unsettle farmers dependent on their predictability. Groundwater has been quickly depleting and aquifers are drying up. The food supply for billions of people is thus threatened. Record floods followed by prolonged droughts are causing millions to be displaced and contribute to accelerating migration flows. These developments prompted the launch of The Geopolitics and Ecology of Himalayan Water – under the eARThumanities at NYU Abu Dhabi in collaboration with the Rachel Carson Center of LMU Munich. It aspires to bring together the expertise of scholars, practitioners, and policy makers in order to elicit a synthetic and holistic approach in studying and proposing solutions to this looming crisis.”

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