Fall 2024
September 5th – Karl Schlag (University of Vienna)
Title: Making Decisions Based on Data: a Theory without “Guessing”
September 19th – Kareen Rozen (Brown University)
Title: Caution in the Face of Complexity
September 26th – Jeff Carpenter (Middlebury College)
Title: Cooperative Games and Economic Behavior
October 17th – John Conlon (Carnegie Mellon University)
Title: Memory Rehearsal and Belief Biases
November 14th– Ala Avoyan (Indiana University)
Title: How do Groups Speak and How are They Understood?
November 21st – Nina Buchmann (Yale University)
Title: Paternalistic Discrimination
December 5th – Spencer Kwon (Brown University)
Title: Persuasion Through Cues
Spring 2024
March 14th – Leeat Yariv (Princeton University)
Title: “The Dynamics of Networks and Homophily”
March 28th – Maria Abascal (New York University)
Title: “Diversity and Prosocial Behavior Across NYC Neighborhoods: Evidence from a Lost Wallet Experiment”
April 4th – Björn Bartling (Zurich University)
Title: “Paternalistic Interventions: Determinants of Demand and Supply”
April 11th – Shachar Kariv (University of California, Berkeley)
Title: “The Predictivity and Falsifiability of Theories of Choice Under Uncertainty”
April 18th – Andrew Gelman (Columbia University)
Title: “How large is that treatment effect, really?”
April 25th – Benjamin Bushong (Michigan State)
Title: “Heterogeneous Tastes and Social (Mis)Learning”
May 2nd – Salvatore Nunnari (Bocconi University)
Title: “Cognitive Skills and the Demand for Bad Policy”
Fall 2023
September 21st – Alex Imas (University of Chicago)
Title: “Over- and Underreaction to Information”
October 5th – Daniel Chen (Toulouse School of Economics)
Title: “Data Science for Justice: Evidence from a Nationwide Randomized Experiment in Kenya”
October 19th – WonSeok Yoo (New York University)
Title: “Belief Updating Under Cognitive Dissonance: An Experimental Study”
November 2nd – Jimena Galindo (New York University)
Title: “Learning with Misspecified Models: The Case of Overestimation”
November 16th – Marina Agranov (California Institute of Technology)
Title: “Disentangling Suboptimal Updating: Complexity, Structure, and Sequencing” (joint with Pellumb Reshidi from Duke)
November 30th – Marie-Claire Villeval (Université de Lyon)
Title: “Selective Information Sharing and Group Delusion”
Spring 2023
May 04 – Daniel Martin (University of California Santa Barbara)
Title: “Labeling and Training with Elicited Beliefs”
April 27 – Annie Liang (Northwestern University)
Title: “The Transfer Performance of Economic Models”
April 20 – Josh Schwartzstein (Harvard Business School)
Title: “Model Persuasion: Theory and Experimental Evidence”
April 13 – Severine Toussaert (Oxford University)
Title: “Stochastic dominance and preference for randomization”
March 23 – Jason Somerville (Federal Reserve Bank)
Title: “Distinguishing Common Ratio Preferences from Common Ratio Effects Using Paired Valuation Tasks”
March 30 – Anne Karing (University of Chicago)
Title: “Optimal Incentives in the Presence of Social Norms: Experimental Evidence from Kenya”
Fall 2022
September 08 – Collin Raymond (Cornell University)
Title: “Incentive Complexity, Bounded Rationality and Effort Provision”
September 22 – Alistair Wilson (University of Pittsburgh)
Title: “Predicting Multiplayer Coordination in Repeated Games: Some Theory, Some Lab, Some AIs”
October 06 – Bill Zame (UCLA)
Title: “Do Decision Makers Have Subjective Probabilities? An Experimental Test”
October 20 – Eric Spurlino (NYU)
Title: “Rationally Inattentive and Strategically (un)Sophisticated: Theory and Experiment”
November 03 – Erkut Ozbay (U. of Maryland)
Title: “The Thrill of Gradual Learning”
November 17 – Colin Sullivan (Purdue University)
Title: “Eliciting Preferences over Life and Death: Experimental Evidence from Organ Transplantation”
Spring 2022
March 10 – Peter Schwardmann (Carnegie Mellon University)
Title: “Anticipatory Anxiety and Wishful Thinking ”
March 31 – Isabelle Brocas (University of Southern California)
Title: “Dynamic Coordination in Efficient and Fair Strategies: A Developmental Perspective”
April 07 – Frank Schilbach (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Title: “Learning in the Household”
April 14 – Eugenio Proto (NYU Visitor)
Title: “Reverse Bayesianism Revising Beliefs in Light of Unforeseen Events”
April 21 – Yucheng Liang (Carnegie Mellon University)
Title: “The Inference-Forecast Gap in Belief-Updating”
April 28 – Andreas Blume (University of Arizona)
Title: “Mediated Talk: An Experiment”
May 5 – Sally Sadoff (University of California San Diego)
Title: “Earnings, Parenthood and Gender Differences in Choice of Educational Field”
Fall 2021
September 9 – Georg Weizsacker (HU Berlin)
Title: “Coaudience Neglect”
September 23 – Dorothea Kübler (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
Title: “Repugnant Transactions: The Role of Agency and Extreme Consequences”
October 7 – Gary Charness (University of California Santa Barbara )
Title: “Improving Children’s Food Choices: Experimental Evidence From the Field”
October 21 – Kirby Nielsen (California Institute of Technology)
Title: “When Choices are Mistakes”
November 4 – Joshua Knobe (Yale University)
Title: “Ordinary Judgements of Causation”
November 11 – Tianzan Pang (NYU)
Title: “Persistently Ignoring Others’ Information: A Laboratory Experiment on Retail Investors”
November 18 – Amanda Friedenberg (University of Arizona)
Title: “Is Bounded Reasoning about Rationality Driven by Limited Ability?”
December 2 – Paul J. Healy (Ohio State University)
Title: “Incentive Compatibility in Experiments: An Overview”
Spring 2021
March 4 – Nagore Iriberri ( University of Basque County)
Title: “Naivete and Sophistication in Initial and Repeated Play in Games”
March 11 – Eva Vivalt (University of Toronto)
Title: “How Do Policy-makers Update Their Beliefs?”
March 18 – Georg Weizsäcker (HU Berlin)
Title: “Biased Wage Expectations and Female Labor Supply”
March 25 – Antonio Cabrales (Carlos lll de Madrid)
Title: “What Does Make People Nice: A Common Identity, a Common Interest, a Large Shock?”
April 8 – Sabine Kröger (Laval)
Title: “Optimal Frequency of Portfolio Evaluation in a Choice Experiment with Ambiguity and Loss Aversion”
April 22- Catherine Eckel (TAMU)
Title: “The Democratic Peace: An Experimental Test of a Causal Relation and of Underlying Mechanisms”
April 29 – Katherine Milkman (Wharton)
Title: “Mega-Studies Improve the Impact of Applied Behavioral Science”
May 6 – Chad Kendall (USC BS)
Title: “On the Complexities of Model Inference”
Fall 2020
September 3 – Marta Serra-Garcia (University of California, San Diego)
Title: “Mistakes, Overconfidence and the Effect of Sharing on Detecting Lies”
September 17 – Dorothea Kübler (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
Title: “How to Avoid Black Markets for Appointments with Online Booking Systems”
October 1 – Samuel Kapon (New York University)
Title: “Making the Most of Limited Government Capacity”
October 22 – Aislinn Bohren (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: “Inaccurate Statistical Discrimination: An Identification Problem”
November 5 – Utteeyo Dasgupta (Wagner College)
Title: “Games of Prejudice – Experiments at the Extensive and Intensive Margin”
November 19 – John Duffy (University of California, Irvine)
Title: “Bargaining Under Liquidity Constraints: Nash vs. Kalai in the Laboratory”
Spring 2020
March 12 – Sanjeev Goyal
Title: “Large Scale Experiments on Networks: A New Platform with Applications”
February 27 – Anujit Chakraborty
Title: “Cooperation in Finitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma”
Fall 2019
September 5 – Ernst Fehr (New York University)
Title: “Social Preferences and Redistributive Politics”
September 12 – Tim Cason (Purdue University)
Title: “Correlated Beliefs: Predicting Outcomes in 2×2 Games”
September 26 – Karl Schlag (University of Vienna)
Title: “Evaluating Treatment Effects and Replicability”
October 17 – Marco Casari (University of Bologna)
Title: “Financial Intermediation and the Macroeconomy: An Experiment”
October 24 – Kathleen Ngangoue (New York University)
Title: “Common-Value versus Common-Probability Auctions”
November 07 – Alex Rees-Jones (University of Pennsylvania)
Title: “Correlation Neglect in Student-to-School Matching”
November 21 – Ben Greiner (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Title: “The Effect of a `None of the Above’ Ballot Paper Option on Voter and Politician Behavior and Election Outcomes”
December 05 – David Budescu (Fordham University)
Tile: “The Wisdom of Forecasting Crowds and Teams”
December 12 – Andrzej Baranski-Madrigal (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Title: “Communication in Multilateral Bargaining with Joint Production”
Spring 2019
May 9 – Lise Vesterlund
Title: “Gender Differences in Negotiation: Dialing up or Down?”
May 2 – Yoram Halevy
Title: “Hard-to-Interpret Signals”
April 18 – Rachel Kranton
Title: “Deconstructing Group Bias”
April 11 – Olivier Armantier
Title: “Overcoming Discount Window Stigma: An Experimental Investigation”
April 4 – Charles Noussair
Title: “Sequential Search with a Price Freeze Option: Theory and Experimental Evidence”
March 28 – Johanna Mollerstrom
Title: “A Meritocratic Origin of Egalitarian Behavior”
March 21 – Charles Sprenger
Title: “Direct Tests of Cumulative Prospect Theory”
Fall 2018
September 13 – Natalie Lee (NYU)
Title: “Feigning Ignorance for Long-term Gains: Theory and Experiment”
September 27 – Gary Charness (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Title: “Incentivizing Exercise Improves Academic Performance”
October 11 – Dan Friedman (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Title: “Price Dispersion and Cycles: Theory and Experiment”
October 25 – Axel Ockenfels (University of Cologne)
Title: “Engineering Trust Among Strangers”
November 8 – Florian Ederer (Yale University)
Title: “The Persistent Power of Promises”
November 29 – Leeat Yariv (Princeton University)
Title: “Statistical Discrimination and Affirmative Action in the Lab”
December 13 – Sevgi Yuksel (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Title: “How Do People Choose Between Biased Information Sources? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment”
Spring 2018
May 3 – Andrea Robbett
Title: “Voter Expression and Information Acquisition in Common Value Elections”
April 26 – Pietro Ortoleva
Title: “Econographics”
April 12 – Fabio Maccheroni
Title: “Multinomial Logit Processes and Preference Discovery: Inside and Outside the Black Box”
March 15 – Daniel Martin
Title: “Inattention to Game Form: A Theory of the WTA/WTP Gap”
March 8 – Christine Exley
Title: “Motivated Framing Effects”
March 1 – Philipp Strack
Title: “Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions”