The university has restricted all research lab usage that cannot maintain a safe policy of social distancing. In light of this, the CESS lab will be suspending all experiments for the remainder of the Spring semester, unless we are directed otherwise. We hope to be operational for the summer session and will be recruiting students for our subject pool as soon as the Spring semester has ended.
If you plan to run sessions in the summer, take this time to prepare. Log on to the NYU portal and go to the research tab. From there find the Cayuse tab and follow the instructions for registration and CITI exams needed. If you plan to apply for external funds (i.e. NSF funds), you will be forced to apply for your own IRB protocol, now is a good time to wait out that process, NYU has an IRB page that will guide you. For those of you using the CESS protocol, our IRB status remains unchanged, and we will be prepared to continue operations immediately the campus does.