
Location: Seminars will take place in-person at 19 W 4th Street, Room 517, 12:30-1:30 pm

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Upcoming Fall 2024

September 5th – Karl Schlag (University of Vienna)
Title: Making Decisions Based on Data: a Theory without “Guessing”

September 19th – Kareen Rozen (Brown University)
Title: Caution in the Face of Complexity

September 26th – Jeff Carpenter (Middlebury College)
Title: Cooperative Games and Economic Behavior

October 17th – John Conlon (Carnegie Mellon University)
Title: Memory Rehearsal and Belief Biases

November 14th– Ala Avoyan (Indiana University)
Title: How do Groups Speak and How are They Understood?

November 21st – Nina Buchmann (Yale University)
Title: Paternalistic Discrimination

December 5th – Spencer Kwon (Brown University)
Title: Persuasion Through Cues