Embedding video

Embedding Vimeo and/or YouTube videos in your NYU-hosted Word Press site is very straightforward.

Use the URL provided for sharing by the video hosting site and put it between two “embed” tags while working with in the text editor tab of your Post or Page editor (top right corner of composing frame):
In addition to being able to host your work online while you are in school, NYU offers unlimited hosting of your video files through stream.nyu.edu while you are enrolled at NYU.

You are able to control who has access to your video by setting permissions within NYU Stream.

In order to embed video from stream.nyu.edu, use the steps on this page.

The shortcut is to use the “nyustream” embed tag, a blank space, then the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of your video, and contain that sentence within [ ].
Follow the steps correctly and you will get something like this:
