6. Final

Final Project Documentation

I used the sound library in p5js to create a keyboard instrument for my final project. The initial idea for my project is that the user can use both of the keyboard and the mouse to play a piece of music, and while the user is interacting with the keyboard or the mouse, a random geometric shape with different colors will be generated as well. However, throughout the process of making it, I realized that it could be more user friendly if I change the mouse interaction part on canvas into a grid, so that the user will know where to click for the sound that they want. 


Here is the code that I used in editor:

Here is the project in full screen:

The first thing that I did was to find the appropriate soundtracks that suited my project. I found this video on, and downloaded the zip file of the soundtracks that the video uploader has shared. Then I uploaded the soundtracks that I decided to use in my project to p5js. I used the function called preload to load the sound files in my sketch and used them by using .play(). I also used the function of mousePressed and keyPressed to play the soundtracks. Inside of the draw function, I drew the grid for the percussion instrument. 


jonobr1. “PATATAP.” Patatap. Accessed December 14, 2021.

【后期必备】60大类乐器音效,无套路免费分享,爱乐器爱音乐人士必入不悔!. 【后期必备】60大类乐器音效,无套路免费分享,爱乐器爱音乐人士必入不悔!_哔哩哔哩_bilibili, 2021.