Sign Language Using Teachable Machine
Schools and jobs encourage their students or workers to learn a new language to be able to communicate with a larger amount of people. However, I feel that it is a better use of people’s time to learn sign language because it would be more accessible to all people. This source discusses the idea of using deep learning and coding language to educate others on sign language. This site primarily uses python to teach and use hundreds of images. The concept of using code to teach a language reminded me of the app Duolingo. I believe that Duolingo should work with a teachable machine to teach American Sign Language as well as other sign languages. These ideas along with the concept of a game inspired me to use a teachable machine to try and make a sort of prototype of teaching sign language. I think this class provides an opportunity to be inspired and creative which I have enjoyed, but I also like the idea of taking that creativity and combining it with something to make it purposeful. I also believe that the teachable machine has a lot of potential and will be very present in future technology.