The 3 major inspirational references that inspired my project were keyboard instrument patatap, dot piano, and jazz computer. Keyboard instrument patatap is a project where the computer is acting as an instrument, and different notes will be played when different keys are pressed. The reason for me finding this project interesting is that this project gives its users many freedom to compose unique music of their own, and this is the reason for me to decide to use keyboards and mouses for playing different notes/different instruments in my project.
Here is the link to keyboard instrument patatap:
Another project that inspired me was the dot piano. I really like the visualization of this project. This dot piano was showing lines with different colors at different positions when the soundtrack that is being played has different notes. The reason for me finding this project interesting is that it provides a visualization of music, and this is the reason for me to decide to display random geometric shapes with different colors when different keys and mouse are pressed, so that the players are not only composing their special music, but also creating their own art work.
Here is the link to the dot piano:
The third project that I found inspiring was the jazz computer. This project allows the temple of playing jazz to change based on the speed of scrolling down the screen. The one aspect that I really liked about this project was also the visualization, and that is also the reason for me to add random generated geometric shapes with different colors when pressing the keys.
Here is the link to the jazz computer: