6. Final

Ysabelle’s Final Project

Project Code:

Project Description: 

My project is called “Reliever,” which is a program that is a series of anxiety-relieving computer activities. I programmed 3 different programs: 1) Object Focus, inspired by the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding method where a person lists characteristics of a physical object. In my program, you answer questions about a random shape that appears on screen. 2) Mantra repetition, inspired by positive affirmation methods with the goal of a person to feel better about themself. My program has the computer listen for the user, to keep the user accountable (and probably have to repeat because an imperfect computer is listening which makes it even more effective) positive affirmations about themselves. 3) Breather, which uses the inspiration for this whole project, a GIF that depicts a breathing exercise for the user to follow. 

Object Focus uses JSON to organize the characteristics of the shapes. Mantra uses the audio version of Teachable Machine to listen for the user’s repetition of the phrases (used tutorial by Daniel Shiffman from The Coding Train on Teachable Machine). Breather simply has a GIF. For the overall project, I used the p5.SceneManager library by “mveteanu” on GitHub. These 3 different activities and the main menu are organized with the library. 

Project Sketches from Proposal: 

Muscle Relaxation was in my proposal, but was rejected because of the complication of machine learning with different poses and camera angles. 


mveteanu, “p5.SceneManager,” GitHub, 21 July 2021.

Gotter, Ana. “12 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack,” Heathline, 19 Oct 2021.

Shiffman, Daniel. “Teachable Machine 3: Sound Classification,” The Coding Train, 2019.