I found the quote “As of early 2014, the FBI has been assembling a database of faces totaling 52 million photos. 1 million of those photos come from unidentified sources. While the NSA intercepts “millions of images per day” and at least 55,000 of those are suitable for facial recognition according to documents leaked by Snowden, which would put the NSA’s independent collection in a similar order of magnitude to the FBI’s” from
Kyle McDonald’s Appropriating New Technologies: Face as Interface to be interesting. Privacy is a major concern, but its not something that I actively think about when using these types of technologies because as a user, they typically provide a form of convenience. I also found the video about fighting bias in algorithms very intriguing, specifically about the police use of facial recognition software. As the speaker mentioned, misidentifying a suspect due to computer error and lack of diversity could pose a serious problem. In general, I do not believe machines should have the power.