6. Final

Final Documentation – Nan Lin

Final Documentation – Interactive Generative Art


In the beginning of the semester, we did the generative project. I choose to do generative face, but I can’t say I’m satisfy with my outcome. I want to explore more about generative art. Few weeks ago we were introduced with a great tool called teachablemachine. It is very fun to play with the machine and use the output to make the “classify this ” project. So for my final, I want to combine the two project that I enjoy the most and make a interactive generative art. 

At the brainstorm stage of this project, my original concept was to use the image model to train the machine to recognize different shapes and draw the shapes on the canvas to create different art for different users. However, during the research process about generative line are, I came across Daniel Shiffman’s tutorial about Perlin noise flow field and loop. I was amazed by the art that this noise flow field was able to produce, so I decided that I want to do something with Perlin Noise. 


Code:  Interactive Generative Art




Shiffman, D., 2021. Perlin Noise Flow Field. [online] The Coding Train. Available at: <> [Accessed 14 December 2021].

Imgur. 2021. PerlinVoid. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 December 2021].

Suthar, N., 2021. Perlin Lines. [online] Dribbble. Available at: <> [Accessed 14 December 2021].