
Classify This – Baby Monitor

My project is a baby monitor that can detect whether a child is crying or coughing while being monitored remotely. The parent will have 4 responsive options when the device detects crying or coughing. The first one is “Play crib mobile” followed by “Swing Rocking bed”, “open video”, and “call maid” . This project is a representation of what could be a future working model (possibly using IOT) where the different options for the users will be linked to different outcomes. I used machine learning and teachable machine in order to train it to detect different baby noises.

When the screen first appears, it is green and has “I’m listening…” written on it. Once the code detects audio input, The screen then turns red and it will display whether the baby is coughing or crying. At the top, there are different options for the parents to react with. Once a choice is detected, a confirmation message is displayed on the bottom of the screen. 

Voice recordings incase you need to test it: