Project B Proposal: Messages of Confusion

Project Description

Project B was titled “Messages of Confusion,” and it will delve into the interesting dynamics of how messages evolve by being passed from one person to another. The inspiration for this project stemmed from the intriguing Megaphone Game, a team activity where participants communicate a sentence solely through sound effects and gestures. To visually represent the evolving nature of communication, the project incorporated elements reminiscent of chaotic pixels, triggered by the camera detecting facial and mouth movements. These disorganized animated pixels materialize on the screen as the mouth moves, serving as symbolic representations of the inherent visual distortions that accompany the communication process. Complementing this, the audio element employs speech-to-text technology to provide a concrete demonstration of information transformation. I’ll first start with a mini project where participants can read some provided instructions to control the appearances or movements of the provided object. In the process, participants may be able to see how hard it is for the computer to execute the wanted instruction. Furthermore, there will be a part where the participant’s voice message undergoes successive transformations, first translated into text by the computer and then converted back into speech in the robot tone, with each transformation displaying subtle changes. As a result, “Messages of Confusion” thus delivers an engaging and thought-provoking encounter, seamlessly blending visual and auditory elements to underscore the intricate and sometimes unpredictable pathways through which information navigates in the realm of communication.

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