Project A Proposal: The Birth and Life of “BerlinCritter”

For Mini Project #3, I tried a fascinating concept: a ball moving gracefully across the canvas, using Berlin noise. This movement, a mixture of randomness and smoothness, gave me a sense of life and made me choose it as a starting point for my project A. Therefore, I want to delve deeper into this motion and turn it into a digital creature, perhaps called “BerlinCritter”. And here is the link to the presentation:

Meet the PerlinCritter

The initial stage of a BerlinCritter is one that consists of two circles – a large one and a smaller one. The co-existence and movement of these two circles symbolizes the complete existence of one such creature. The life of this BerlinCritter is divided into two main stages.

In the first stage, the two circles move together harmoniously in the same direction, and they keep a certain distance between them. At the same time, the size of the smaller circle will gradually become larger.

When the circles are equal in size, the second stage begins. During this phase, the originally smaller circle will change its direction of motion so that the two move in opposite paths. This moment symbolizes the emergence of this creature’s personality and the different paths they take in life.

The Motion and What It Symbolizes

The movement of the implemented Perlin Critter will be controlled by a few key variables such as xNoiseOffset and yNoiseOffset for the movement of the larger circle and xMovement2 and yMovement2 for the distance between the circles in the first phase.

When Perlin Critter moves, it leaves an elegant trail, similar to the path of snail slime. This trail is a metaphor for its existence in abstract space. The canvas itself serves as a symbol of the enclosed environment necessary for its survival, reminiscent of a fish tank. In order to confine the Perlin Critter to the canvas, I will use the “constraint” function.

Narrative and Imaginary Creatures

PerlinCritter’s story will revolve around growth, unity, individuality and adaptation, a digital reflection of life’s journey. It embodies the beauty of divergence and the traces we leave behind in our raw goods.

In my project A, my goal was to expand on the story and visual representation of BerlinCritter I aspire to create an engaging experience that not only showcases its life cycle, but also prompts the viewer to reflect on the parallels between its digital existence and our own life journeys.

 Additional Features

In addition to the core actions and narratives, my project may contain several other features:

  • Interactive elements: Users will be able to interact with the PerlinCritter to influence their movements or change their environment. This will add an element of user-driven creativity and engagement to the experience, allowing viewers to become part of PerlinCritter’s digital world.
  • Dynamic color palette: To enhance the visual experience, the PerlinCritter’s appearance and surroundings will dynamically change color to reflect its emotional state and the passage of time. This feature can add depth to the narrative and visually enhances the journey, creating a more immersive experience.

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