Publications & Presentations


  1. Nicholson, H., Yoo, N., Okazaki, S., Chang, D.F., &Craig, M. (In Press). Inter-minority relations: Factors shaping cognitive and affective intergroup attitudes between Asian and Black Americans. Social Problems.
  2. Yoo, N., Nicholson, H., Chang, D.F., & Okazaki, S. (2023). Mapping Anti-Asian Xenophobia: State-level Variation in Implicit and Explicit Bias against Asian Americans across the United States. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.
  3. Chang, D. F., Yoo, N., Lee, C. S., Prasai, A., & Okazaki, S. (2023). From racial awakening to collective action: Asian Americans’ pathways to activism and benevolent support during COVID-19. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology.
  4. Okazaki, S., Lee, C. S., Prasai, A., Chang, D. F., & Yoo, G. (2022). Disaggregating the data: Diversity of COVID-19 stressors, discrimination, and mental health among Asian American communities. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 956076.

Presentations / Working Papers

Symbol * indicates a presenter.

  1. Liang, B., Palis, R.C., Chowdhury, S., Liu, Z., Zhao, A., Chen, J., Kim, S., Okazaki, S., Chang, D.F. (2023, Jul). Narrativizing Chinese American Identity and Critical Consciousness during COVID-19. Paper presentation at the American Psychological Association Division 45 Research Conference. San Diego, CA.
  2. Okazaki, S.,* Chang, D.F., Yoo, N., Nicholson, H., & Craig, M. (2023, Jul). Ethnic Media in Asian-Black Cross-Racial Solidarity and Mental Health. Paper presentation at the American Psychological Association Division 45 Research Conference. San Diego, CA.
  3. Acevedo, J.*, Yoo, G., Prasai, A., Okazaki, S., & Chang, D.F. (2023, Feb). Doubly Marginalized: Pathways to Future Action to Reduce Racial Inequality among Asian and Black LGBTQ Americans. Poster presentation at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Atlanta, GA.
  4. Chang, D.F.*, Yoo, G.*, Nguyen, T., & Okazaki, S., (2023, Jan). Using Twitter to capture Racism in the Air: Integrating Macro and Micro-level factors to Predict Asian American Well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Phoenix, AZ. [slides]
  5. Prasai, A.*, Yoo, G., Okazaki, S., & Chang, D.F., (2022, Nov). How are coping styles related to mental health outcomes for Asian Americans? Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 56th Annual Convention. New York, NY. [poster]
    • Received the Best Poster Award for the Student Special Interest Group
  6. Yoo, G.*, Lee, C.S., Chang, D.F. & Okazaki, S., (2022, Oct). I don’t belong here: Thwarted belongingness, collective identification, and suicidal ideation among Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presentation at the 8th Annual NYU Langone Health Disparities Symposium. New York, NY. [slides]
  7. Le, J.*, Yoo, G., Prasai, A., Okazaki, S., & Chang, D.F., (2022, Sep). The mediating role of assimilated identity in the relationship between perceived discrimination and mental health outcomes among Southeast Asian Americans. Poster presentation at the Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA). Chicago, IL.
    • Received Best Poster Award
  8. Chang, D.F.*, Okazaki, S*., Yoo, G., Craig, M., Nguyen, T. & Nicholson, H., (2022, Aug). COVID-19 Effects on Asian-Black Race Relations: Discrimination, Intergroup Attitudes, and Activism. Paper presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA). Minneapolis, MN.
  9. Prasai, A.*, Yoo, G., Okazaki, S., & Chang, D.F., (2022, Aug). Coping patterns among Asian Americans during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A latent profile analysis. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA). Minneapolis, MN.
  10. Chang, D.F.*, Okazaki, S., Yoo, G.*, Lee, C.S., (2021, Aug). Asian American Identity, Resistance and Responses to Racial Discrimination in the time of COVID-19. Paper presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention (APA), San Diego, CA.
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