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AWS VPC Resource Usage and Specifications

NYU VPC Resource Usage and Specifications VPCs primarily allow for grouping of services within AWS for various use cases, such as: common service classification, auditing, routine operations, administrative access control, and billing. The use of AWS features such as IAM (Identity and Access Management) and resource tagging facilitate regulating access to a VPC and identification […]

AWS Account Structure and IAM

NYU Account Structure and IAM Overview Account structure provides the basis for solid and simple application of security and organizational directives from the top level of NYU, and enforcing those rules appropriately for the entire organization. Accordingly, is it an important topic. Policies laid out here are intended to be broad and flexible enough to […]

AWS EC2 Snapshot Standards

NYU AWS EC2 Snapshot Overview There is an Operational requirement to provide AWS-hosted workloads with point-in-time snapshot level backup protection in virtual environments. This standard is designed to provide a basic level of protection in the event of running instance corruption, failure, or inadvertent deletion.  Implementation of this standard will enhance our Operational capabilities and […]

AWS S3 Bucket Naming Convention

NYU S3 Naming Convention Overview Naming conventions ensure the name of each S3 bucket is unique while allowing useful information to be deduced from the names. Syntax All characters are strictly lower case Remove whitespace from values Separate values with dashes Must conform to Amazon S3 bucket naming requirements and best practices Convention Naming convention: university-environment-supportgroup-universityservice-function Example: […]