Notice of recent outage

If you suspect that any of your published material is still missing, please provide details.

What happened

The Web Publishing system experienced an outage Thursday, December 10 that caused users to lose access to their sites temporarily and in some cases lose work. We immediately announced the incident on IT’s Service Status page.

What we did

We worked on the problem immediately and resolved it after about an hour. We then created a process to help users retrieve lost work.

What you need to do

If you suspect that any of your published material from Thursday, December 10 is still missing, please send an email to the Service Desk at and provide the following details:

  1. Domain name of your Web Publishing site
  2. NetID of the user who published the content
  3. An approximate timeframe of when it was published
  4. A brief description of what is missing

With those details, we can attempt to retrieve your lost work.