After Effects to Maya Pipe line

The flow from After Effects to Maya worked perfectly this week until I tried to link the video content to the plane. At that point, the video wouldn’t connect. I re-named the files, re-imported them, and restarted the project to no avail.

I am looking forward to office hours to fix the situation. 


Mid-Term Storyboard

I’ve decided to lean into a project that I’ve been thinking about for a while for my midterm. The idea is to “capture” bears in the wild when they think humans aren’t around. Ideally, I would like to create a handful of 15-second pieces of bears acting like humans. I am modeling the camera work and narration of a BBC documentary until we come upon the bear for the character introduction. At that point, the camera will settle in and spy on the bear. 

When I was finally able to get the bear into Unreal, the textures were still missing, I felt that there was a problem going from blender to Mixamo, and I kept losing the textures in that transition. 
Unreal error message
Error 2 – When I tried uploading my bear skeletal mesh, I wasn’t given the option for “none” – I was forced to select a skeleton mesh of a character that I had already imported. When I did do that, this error would appear. 


Please excuse my horrible drawing. 

After Effects – Roto Brush

After effects

After effects

After effects

After effects

This week I did some tests with motion tracking in After Effects. I wanted to play with hand-held footage, aggressive panes, and shaky footage, as I was curious if the 3d tracking would still capture points. To my surprise, it worked completely fine. I then dropped some 2d assets in, did some basic roto brushing and exported them out. 

Forest – Successes and Failures

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

Unreal sketch

This week unreal tested me, and I kept running into errors that led to hours of youtube tutorials, documentation, office hours, and bothering classmates. Things finally started to come together at the end of the week, and I’m getting to a place where I’m happy. 

Problems I’m still having: 

  • When I press, play the camera gets shot into space, and I can’t move. 
  • My laptop keeps crashing – I ended up working on the production computers on campus. 
  • I don’t fully understand the error “Texture streaming pool over budget.”


  • I isolated my world to a small portion of the map – I was getting overwhelmed trying to fill the map. 
  • I was able to import a height map of Adirondack Park to give my world shape. 
  • I love how my new world is shaping up and am excited to continue working on it. 

Character Development

This week I worked on developing multiple characters for my piece. Manly, I focused on working in Make Human, Mixamo, and Radical. The hardest part was making a person that I enjoyed, and I kept going back and forth to modify features. I believe I was in the uncanny valley – slightly creeped out by the elements.  I’m excited to dive deeper into Maya and develop better characters in the coming weeks. 

Week 2

For my virtual world, I’m oscillating between two pieces. 

The first takes place in a botanical garden.

The second is in a rural home. 


I’ve always been interested in perspectives of wildlife. For this piece, the viewer will take the perspective of a bumble-bee flying around pollinating in a magnificent garden. Ideally, I would like to color the entire world in an ultraviolet pallet to emphasize the bee’s perspective further. 


The second piece, titled “Runners High,” takes place in a rural home on a stormy day. The athlete is training for a marathon on their treadmill. As they dig in, everything slowly shifts into a magical, surreal world. The piece ends with the treadmill timer beeping snapping them out. 

I’ve started playing with some world-building tools and importing assets into my scene as I decide which path to take.