Pixel by Pixel Final – Experiments with perlin noise

For my final, I wanted to experiment with Perlin Noise in a live video feed. 

First, a little on Perlin Noise and why it’s so beautiful. From WikipediaPerlin noise is a procedural texture primitive, a type of gradient noise used by visual effects artists to increase the appearance of realism in computer graphics. The function has a pseudo-random appearance, yet all of its visual details are the same size.

Examples: I’m drawn to the smooth-flowing randomization of the texture. 

Example of Perlin Noise

Example of Perlin NOise

For my piece, I wanted to work with the motion of Perlin Noise but isolate it to a single point that distorts and eventually destroys the original video feed. I didn’t realize it until I built it, but it appears to be a virus methodically taking over the screen. 


To achieve this sketch, I needed to learn how to produce the noise and deconstruct it into a single point. For the “noise walker,” I called the noise function and played around with the math to get it moving in a pattern I enjoyed. 

For the live video feed to continue to work, I needed to call a background, but the “walker” doesn’t work with a background to achieve a printing effect. I needed to call the PGraphics function to print the ball.

Finally, the ball was printing too often. I originally worked with frame count to slow it down, but that seemed to affect the video feed drastically. Instead, I isolated the printing to every two frames with an if statement. 

Thank you to Danny Rozin for walking me through several coding blocks throughout this process during office hours. 

Example 1
Example Code 2

Finals Piece: 




Drawing Game

This week I worked on developing a drawing game in Processing from scratch. It was slow-moving but a lot of fun to experiment with. 

To change the shapes and background, I played with different input keys. 

a – draws circles

b – draws a tight spike from the top left

c – draws triangles

d – draws squares

e – draws a tight spike from the bottom right

s – saves the frame

mouse click – erases the whole scene and draws a random background-color

 Demonstration video: 


Drawing game processing code

Saved Drawings: 

Example of drawing game

Example of drawing game