We are excited to announce that our MRI Grant for the Acquisition of a Pulsed Electron and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer has been awarded! We are very excited about the new research capabilities that this instrument will extend to our lab, NYU and the NYC community.
Quantum Computing at the Summer STEM Institute
This August, NYU graduate student and Avalos lab member Philip Weiss co-hosted a 2-day Quantum Computing workshop with STEMTeachersNYC where secondary teachers (9-12) explored the physics of quantum computing through the lens of a student! Teachers learned some basic quantum mechanics and explored existing quantum hardware by simulating quantum circuits. Teachers also learned how existing technology can be applied to solve real-world problems. The workshop provided classroom-ready quantum computing materials, and provided teachers with an opportunity to practice teaching a lesson that they could deliver in the upcoming school year.
GSTEM Symposium
Congratulations to Hannah Van Son, one of the lab’s GSTEM summer students, who gave an excellent talk today on her summer research during the GSTEM research symposium!
We are upgrading our Bruker E-500 EPR system to include a SuperX FT bridge and transient EPR capabilities. The installation is set to happen next week!