
Ochoa, X., Echeverria, V., Carrillo, G., Heredia, V., & Chiluiza, K. (2023). Supporting Online Collaborative Work at Scale: A Mixed-Methods Study of a Learning Analytics Tool. Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, 237–247.
Lewis, A., Ochoa, X., & Qamra, R. (2023). Instructor-in-the-Loop Exploratory Analytics to Support Group Work. LAK23: 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 284–292.
Giannakos, M., Spikol, D., Di Mitri, D., Sharma, K., Ochoa, X., & Hammad, R. (2022). Introduction to Multimodal Learning Analytics. In M. Giannakos, D. Spikol, D. Di Mitri, K. Sharma, X. Ochoa, & R. Hammad (Eds.), The Multimodal Learning Analytics Handbook (pp. 3–28). Springer International Publishing.
Giannakos, M., Spikol, D., Di Mitri, D., Sharma, K., Ochoa, X., & Hammad, R. (2022). The multimodal learning analytics handbook. Springer Nature.
Ochoa, X. (2022). Multimodal Systems for Automated Oral Presentation Feedback: A Comparative Analysis. In M. Giannakos, D. Spikol, D. Di Mitri, K. Sharma, X. Ochoa, & R. Hammad (Eds.), The Multimodal Learning Analytics Handbook (pp. 53–78). Springer International Publishing.
Spikol, D., Lorenzo, M. L. B., Cukurova, M., Lavoue, E., Giannakos, M., Ochoa, X., Di Mitri, D., & Hernandez-Leo, D. (2022). CROSSMMLA & SLE Workshop: Learning Analytics for Smart Learning Environments Crossing Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces. Companion Proceedings of the 12th, 173.
Boothe, M., Yu, C., Lewis, A., & Ochoa, X. (2022). Towards a Pragmatic and Theory-Driven Framework for Multimodal Collaboration Feedback. LAK22: 12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 507–513.
Echeverria, V., Wong-Villacres, M., Ochoa, X., & Chiluiza, K. (2022). An Exploratory Evaluation of a Collaboration Feedback Report. LAK22: 12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 478–484.
Ochoa, X. (2022). Multimodal learning analytics-Rationale, process, examples, and direction. The Handbook of Learning Analytics, 54–65.
Wise, A. F., Knight, S., & Ochoa, X. (2021). What makes learning analytics research matter. Journal of Learning Analytics, 8(3), 1–9.
Silveira, I. F., Casali, A., Bezeira, A. V. M., Sprock, A. S., Collazos, C. A., Cechinel, C., Muñoz-Arteaga, J., Maldonado-Mahauad, J., Chacón-Rivas, M., & Motz, R. (2021). Iguales en las diferencias: iniciativas de investigación transnacionales sobre Informática Educativa en Latinoamérica en el periodo 2010-2020. Revista Brasileira de Informática Na Educação, 29, 1060–1090.
Spikol, D., Ochoa, X., Worsley, M., Di Mitri, D., Cukurova, M., Martinez-Maldonado, R., & Schneider, J. (2021). CROSSMMLA Futures: Collecting and analysing multimodal data across the physical and the virtual. Https://Www. Solaresearch. Org/Wp-Content/Uploads/2021/04/LAK21_CompanionProceedings. Pdf, 2021.
Domínguez, F., Ochoa, X., Zambrano, D., Camacho, K., & Castells, J. (2021). Scaling and Adopting a Multimodal Learning Analytics Application in an Institution-Wide Setting. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 14(3), 400–414.
Ochoa, X., & Wise, A. F. (2021). Supporting the shift to digital with student-centered learning analytics. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69(1), 357–361.
Boothe Jr, M., Yu, C., & Ochoa, X. (2020). Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Tool: A Pragmatic Framework for Multimodal Collaboration Feedback. Companion Proceeding of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK’20), 398–401.
Gutiérrez, F., Seipp, K., Ochoa, X., Chiluiza, K., De Laet, T., & Verbert, K. (2020). LADA: A learning analytics dashboard for academic advising. Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 105826.
Verbert, K., Ochoa, X., De Croon, R., Dourado, R. A., & De Laet, T. (2020). Learning analytics dashboards: the past, the present and the future. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 35–40.
Ochoa, X., & Dominguez, F. (2020). Controlled evaluation of a multimodal system to improve oral presentation skills in a real learning setting. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(5), 1615–1630.
De Croon, R., Millecamp, M., Ochoa, X., Bodily, R., Kay, J., Drachsler, H., & Conati, C. (2019). VISLA: Visual Approaches to Learning Analytics. Companion Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK’19), 750–753.
Gutiérrez, F., Ochoa, X., Seipp, K., Broos, T., & Verbert, K. (2019). Benefits and trade-offs of different model representations in decision support systems for non-expert users. IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 576–597.
Chan, M. C. E., Ochoa, X., & Clarke, D. (2020). Multimodal learning analytics in a laboratory classroom. In Machine Learning Paradigms (pp. 131–156). Springer.
Oviatt, S., Grafsgaard, J., Chen, L., & Ochoa, X. (2019). Multimodal Learning Analytics: Assessing Learners’ Mental State During the Process of Learning. In S. Oviatt, B. Schuller, P. R. Cohen, D. Sonntag, G. Potamianos, & A. Krüger (Eds.), The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces (pp. 331–374). Association for Computing Machinery and Morgan & Claypool.
Seipp, K., Gutiérrez, F., Ochoa, X., & Verbert, K. (2019). Towards a visual guide for communicating uncertainty in Visual Analytics. Journal of Computer Languages, 50, 1–18.
Gutiérrez, F., Seipp, K., Ochoa, X., Chiluiza, K., De Laet, T., & Verbert, K. (2018). LADA: A learning analytics dashboard for academic advising. Computers in Human Behavior.
Ochoa, X., Chiluiza, K., Granda, R., Falcones, G., Castells, J., & Guamán, B. (2018). Multimodal transcript of face-to-face group-work activity around interactive tabletops. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2163, 1–6.
Ochoa, X., Domínguez, F., Guamán, B., Maya, R., Falcones, G., & Castells, J. (2018). The RAP System: Automatic Feedback of Oral Presentation Skills Using Multimodal Analysis and Low-cost Sensors. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 360–364.