Experimentation and Expertise:
Flows of Knowledge in the Atlantic World
Friday, May 6th-Saturday, May 7th, 2016
The faculty and students of the Atlantic World Workshop at New York University are delighted to announce our upcoming conference, “Experimentation and Expertise: Flows of Knowledge in the Atlantic World.” If you wish to learn more about conference panels and events, download our tentative schedule.
The conference will be held at the Glucksman Ireland House of NYU, located at 1 Washington Mews, New York, NY 10003. This conference is open to students, scholars, and the public.
To register for the conference, please fill out our online registration form.
If you have any questions, please contact Timo McGregor (timo.mcgregor@nyu.edu) and Emma Otheguy (emma.otheguy@nyu.edu), the conference chairs.